What to Say to a Narcissist to Shut Them Down Permanently


 1. Leave all emotion out of it.

Do not under any circumstances react to their provocations. You want to deal with them like it’s a business transaction, no matter who they are. There is no room, zero, nada for emotion if your goal is to actually shut them down permanently. You want to stay calm, cool and collected, no matter what it takes. Make a conscious effort to focus on your breath. Stay in your body and remain completely non-reactive. In other words, underreact to the best of your ability.

 No matter how much of a performance you have to muster, you can do this. You can actually overreact or vent or freak out or whatever it is you need to do to express your anger, hurt, and frustration later on when you’re by yourself or with a trusted friend or confidant or any safe person in your support system.

 Again, if you want to successfully shut this creature down, whatever you do, you’re going to have to find a way to remain cold, detached, and unfeeling. You know, just like they are.

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