What Types of People Attract Narcissists

What Types of People Attract Narcissists


In today’s topic, we are going to be talking about what types of people attract narcissists. Let’s get started!

Narcissists have a strong need for admiration and adoration. They also have fragile egos and when the people around them have differing opinions, they often view this as criticism and seek to punish those who dare to disagree. In addition, they value appearances and boast about success, even riding on the coattails of the successes of others. Their self-perceived superiority makes them feel entitled to associate with anyone and anything that makes them appear to be the most important person in the room because they feel they must have the best of everything.

So, have you ever wondered why some people seem to be far more susceptible to attracting narcissists than others? Well, in today’s article, we’re going to highlight six types of people who tend to be narcissist magnets.

The covert narcissist, in particular, is the one to keep in mind as I go through these 6 qualities. Most of them are really good qualities that everyone should aspire for, but the reasons why narcissists find them attractive are not good at all. They see these qualities as things that can benefit their own selfish desires.

 So, let’s talk about the types of people who attract narcissists.

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