When You Finally Move On, The Narcissist Does This


2. When you finally move on, the narcissist will do whatever it takes to rope you back in.

 To maintain some form of relevance and significance to you, to remain in your life. They are jealous and insecure, they feel like someone or something is taking you away from them, and they don’t like how it feels because, in their minds, you belong to them. In their minds, you’re their property. So once they can see that you’re trying to move on, they feel justified to do whatever they want to you, up until this point they have likely already been working on attacking your character.

 They will have been talking to people about you, smearing your name, making you look bad in front of other people so that when you try to move on, you look like the problem. It makes it look like you’re abandoning them. I saw you doing something wrong when really you’re just trying to get away from the abuse, but they have already preconditioned people’s minds to get them to see things in the way that they want.

 So they’re not going to believe you, they’re not going to see things that way, and they’re going to look at it so you’re wrong for leaving them. You’re wrong for trying to move on, which can affect every aspect of your life. It can ruin your reputation and damage potential opportunities.

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