10 Phrases Narcissists Absolutely Hate to Hear

10 Phrases Narcissists Absolutely Hate to Hear


In this article, I share with you 10 phrases narcissists hate to hear. If you want to avoid triggering someone with narcissistic personality disorder, these are the 10 phrases to avoid using with a narcissist. Saying any of these 10 phrases is likely to trigger narcissistic rage, even with a narcissist woman or a covert narcissist.

That said, assuming you’re safe and aren’t in jeopardy of physical harm, these 10 phrases will also put a full stop end to your being used and abused as a source of narcissistic supply by the narcissist.

This is true whether you’re challenged by your narcissistic partner, your narcissistic mother, your narcissistic father, your narcissistic sibling, both of your narcissistic parents, or anyone else who lands on the spectrum of destructive narcissism.

People with a destructive narcissist personality pattern do not like hearing any of these 10 phrases, so again, be careful and be safe… always! If you’re dealing with a destructive narcissist, you already know that narcissistic abuse is no small issue. Healing from narcissistic abuse syndrome is the way to genuine peace, freedom, lasting happiness, and change.

 So let’s dive into the 10 phrases narcissists hate to hear.

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