10 Ways You Can Make Narcissists Suffer

10 Ways You Can Make Narcissists Suffer


When you’ve been slighted by a narcissist or you’re just frustrated, it’s easy to want to get your revenge. My advice? Don’t bother. A narcissist will always turn everything around. In the end, you’ll be the one to blame – apparently, at least. However, you can learn how to make a narcissist suffer. In some ways that has a slightly productive vibe because it cuts off the narcissistic supply.

Being around a narcissist is a difficult, frustrating experience at best. For those who are in relationships with narcissists, I won’t need to tell you anything about the difficulties because you’re already aware.

Narcissists are notoriously manipulative. They are skilled at getting what they want from others through guilt, pity, and flattery. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and are self-centered, which means they don’t care about other people.

If you’re dealing with a narcissist in your life, here are 10 ways you can make narcissists suffer.

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