10 Ways You Can Make Narcissists Suffer


 Number 9: Call them out on their behavior.

 Narcissists have a highly inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are superior to others. They are also extremely sensitive to criticism. They will go to any length to avoid criticism from others and they are experts at deflecting blame. They will find a way to make it appear that you are the one who is at fault.

 If you want to make a narcissist suffer, you must confront them when they do something wrong or when you believe they are rude or mean to you. If possible, avoid being overly friendly or polite, as this will only encourage them to treat you poorly. These people can’t stand being perceived as less than perfect in public. They will try to avoid situations in which they may be exposed.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).
 Number 10: Stand firm to your boundaries.

 Narcissists don’t care about your opinions, so you must be clear about your boundaries. Maintain them and don’t let the narcissist get away with crossing them. Even if they try to be nice, they will eventually try to manipulate you into doing things for them or giving them what they want. Don’t let them use these tactics on you, you can always say no or say: “I’m sorry, but I just can’t do that.” And if you don’t know how to set boundaries with a narcissist, this article here will help you to do so.

 Suppose they continue to pressure you to do something for them or give them something. In that case, it’s time to take action and leave the conversation or situation. If they try to make you feel guilty and sad for refusing to give in to their demands, stand firm to your boundaries, consistently refuse, and make them suffer.

Keep in mind that this is all part of the narcissist game. They take great care to protect their fragile self-esteem by avoiding criticism, competition, and other situations in which they may appear inferior. They devote as much time to defending their reputation as they do establish it. The only way to win your battles with narcissists and make them suffer is to detach from them and remove them from your life.

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