10 Weak Points of The Narcissist

10 Weak Points of The Narcissist


The Life of a Narcissist is sometimes envied by those who have bought the lie or the fake image that the Narcissist pushes. And it is true that some Narcissists do appear to lead a successful life. They may have the money, the house, the cars, a supporting partner, etc. But what I have learned living and growing up with Covert Narcissists, in particular, is that it is all for show. They accumulate stuff to compliment or boost their image because it is all about looking good. It is all about appearing to be happy and successful.

 Narcissists do want to be envied, that is why it is important for them to have the life or things that others would like to have. They are very materialistic, to say the least, and their self-worth is wrapped up in all this stuff. But the stuff is not always tangible as fame or popularity are also things that they aspire to have. But despite their accomplishments, fame, or success, their motivational talks and big smiles, when no one is watching or when they are in their safe zone, everything they hate about themselves resurfaces.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

 For today’s topic, we are looking at some weaknesses of the Narcissist. This does not negate the fact that Narcissists do have strengths as well. Of course, they are not beneficial to anyone else, but the Narcissist, they are still things that help some Narcissists to be successful. Such as their ability to be charming, persuasive, over-achievers, etc. But today is about their weaknesses.

 We have 10 weak points of the Narcissist which in the end make all their accomplishments of very little value.

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