10 Weak Points of The Narcissist


 1. Like me, please.

 One of the first weaknesses of the Narcissist is that they need Outside Validation. There is no self-love or self-worth when it comes to Narcissists. Therefore, they constantly need others to prop them up. They need compliments or flattery, words of affirmation, and attention to make them feel relevant. Some get it through having numerous s.xual partners. So, they will lie, cheat and exaggerate to win the love and affection of those around them. They need to be plugged into numerous supply sources to feed their need to be validated constantly.

Read More: 7 Ways to Confuse a Narcissist.

2. Afraid.

 The second weakness of the Narcissist is Fear. Narcissists have many fears but their fear of exposure which will give rise to their shame is something they work hard to avoid daily. Their mountain of lies can come crumbling down on them and they don’t want that. They also fear being rejected. They fear being criticized. They fear being taken advantage of. They fear being abandoned and so much more. And the issue is that a lot of their fears have no basis in reality. But their paranoia convinces them that everyone is out to get them.

3. Without Trust.

And that takes us to their third weakness because as a result of this fear and paranoia, they become very distrustful of others. They constantly view others with suspicion and are always on the defense of any word or expression that they think is not in their favor. Narcissists also think that others are like them so they have to be vigilant to ensure that they are not being taken advantage of. And to remain a step ahead, they seek to hurt you first before you hurt them.

For More: These Are 8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism.

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