13 Clear Traits of a Psychopath (Spot Them)


 7. They bully and abuse even those they’re close to.

 Bullying and abuse, especially gaslighting, are extremely common in psychopaths. Gaslighting is a lot like brainwashing, where they use lies, manipulations, and devaluing insults to make the victim feel as if they’re going insane, that they don’t know themselves, and that they’re reliant on their abusers to survive because of their self-worth plummeting. Due to their lack of empathy, they are able to behave this way without any guilt or remorse.

 6. They act like a victim when immoral actions are caught.

 When they are caught for their immoral actions, it’s not uncommon for psychopaths to act like the victim in the situation regardless of the evidence. Whether they are directly blaming the victim for their immoral actions or instead creating a sad, tragic story that justifies their immoral actions. Accepting responsibility when they’ve acted wrongly is almost impossible for a psychopath.

 5. They directly blame others for their misfortunes.

 Even when a psychopath wasn’t caught for acting wrongly, they still experience hardship in their lives, they feel the need to blame others for them. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control, like getting laid off due to there being a shortage of work. Most people are upset initially and might try to blame the company, but eventually, they accept it and move on. Psychopaths, however, often will blame others and hold on to the resentment, sometimes even acting vengefully, instead of accepting it and moving on.

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