5 Common Phrases Narcissists Use At The Beginning Of The Relationship

5 Common Phrases Narcissists Use At The Beginning Of The Relationship


Narcissists use love bombing, gaslighting, and manipulation to get what they want and keep you around. Sometimes, it’s easy to identify the narcissism, but other times it’s more covert, meaning they are quieter about it. There are many common phrases manipulators use to undermine your well-being without having you pick up on it.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you’re probably still trying to wrap your head around how you fell so hard so quickly. In my experience, I’ve noticed some very common phrases most narcissists use at the beginning of relationships that are designed to make you feel special, bring down your guard, and move the relationship forward at an accelerated pace.

 It’s likely that you’ve heard these phrases too, but didn’t even realize how they may have been used to quickly draw you into the relationship. And now, let’s get started with what those phrases are.

5 Common Phrases Narcissists Use At The Beginning Of The Relationship.

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