5 Telltale Signs A Narcissist Is Obsessed With You


 Number 3: They will use their charm to get your “Yes”.

 Narcissists are experts at Charming people. Well, always choosing to look for their prey in bars did them good in their flirting skills; charm and glamor that is what narcissists use to get their girls. Establishing a good reputation is easy for narcissists, but maintaining it is another thing. When narcissists become obsessed with someone, they will act as if they are all out and ready to catch that person when they fall for them.

Narcissists will appear passionate about pursuing you and getting in your good graces. Still, in reality, they are just setting up their baits to trap you in their narcissistic Supply cycle. Being rude in every girl’s dream, but there are just people who don’t have anything else to do than break Hearts. Being a narcissist’s Obsession, you must expect to get exposed to a lot of power-tripping and unstable relationships.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Narcissists are known to be one of the most complex people to understand. If they were able to convince you to be in a relationship with them, my only advice is to flee when things start to get a little bit suffocating for you.

Number 4: They will be possessive of you.

 Earlier, I said narcissists are jealous people, but that’s just not it. Narcissists are also known to be possessive over their significant others. They do not like to share what they own and will go wild when their partner lets someone else touch them. When narcissists already have you wrapped around their fingers, they would start to control your life; they will dictate who you should or should not befriend of their fragile egos. Narcissists are people who are obsessed with perfection, so if they get obsessed with you, they would groom you into someone who they think is perfect for them.

 The problem with narcissists is that they are so intent on making you their partner. Still, when they get forced to accept their roles and responsibilities in your relationship, they ignore them. They are so upfront to make you theirs but they are irresponsible individuals. They always get so strong and warn you to stop being in contact with your friends. Still, they are cowardly enough to back out of the conversation of owning their mistakes. As much as possible, do not get involved with them.

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