5 Telltale Signs A Narcissist Is Obsessed With You


 Number 2: They feel jealous of those you interact with.

 Narcissists are people who cannot feel emotions, but they can see how other people react to social cues, and through that, they would learn. Narcissists would know that feeling jealous when someone is interacting with their significant other is something to be upset about. They would understand that it’s their right to go through that emotion, but the main point here is that narcissists can’t feel genuine emotions. So what would they do when they get obsessed over you? And with other people also vying for your attention?

 Narcissists will feign jealousy to guilt-trip you. For narcissists, all of their lives just contain a lot of pretense and lies, and they don’t have any exceptions for their abuse; them being obsessed with someone is already pushing it. Asking them to be able to be sincere with their feelings for you would be impossible; the only thing they hold on to when they feign jealousy is that they think you are already theirs. There are no zero feelings involved, but more ownership is at work.

 Hoping for their genuine love is too much to ask. I hope you can get out of your relationship with the narcissist before it’s too late. Remember it’s never personal, you are not unworthy of love and emotions. It’s how narcissists operate; it doesn’t have anything to do with you.

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