6 People Narcissists Hate The Most!

2. Narcissists hate sick people.

For the most part, there is an exception that we’ll get to in a little bit, but generally speaking, narcissists hate sick people. And if you’ve been sick around a narcissist, you know exactly what I mean. I have a whole article about how the narcissist treats you when you’re sick. So, what’s it like to be around a narcissist when you are sick? I know some of you know this all too well, and if that sounds like you, I invite you to stop reading now and tell us exactly what it’s like to be around a narcissist when you’re sick.

From my experience, I can tell you it’s not fun. Of course, being sick is never fun, but if you have to rely on a narcissist for basic care, you might be in big trouble. So what might they do? There are a lot of things they might do. They might question your illness and tell you that you’re lying or exaggerating your symptoms. They might outright ignore you or tell you you don’t deserve their help. Or they might one-up you and tell you that they’re sicker than you, which of course is always possible. But if it happens every single time you’re sick or wounded, it’s probably not true.

So why then do narcissists hate sick people so much? It seems pretty cold, even for a narcissistic personality. But if you look at it this way, when you’re sick, you can’t serve the narcissist. And to them, serving them is your purpose. So you can’t live up to your end of the bargain. You see, narcissists look at everything transactionally. And when you can’t provide whatever service they need in the moment, you’re useless to them. And trust me, you’re going to feel it.

Recommended Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse.

And I mentioned two exceptions to this hatred earlier:

The first is when the narcissist is in the love bombing or hoovering phases of the relationship. In these moments, they’ll go above and beyond to make you feel cared for. Because remember, it’s a transaction. They need you to get on board or back on board, and they need you to adore them. And for that service, for that transaction, they’re willing to sacrifice and put you first in that moment.

The second exception is what we call an altruistic narcissist. This is a narcissist who gets supply from helping others. And even though they may seem selfless, they have a hidden motive. They want to be seen as the savior. So by helping others, they are making themselves look better. And trust me, they will not hesitate to brag about these selfless acts. So this type of narcissist is definitely more difficult to spot and much better to have around when you’re sick. But if you get the sense that they’re using your pain to elevate themselves in some way, it’s definitely a red flag.

Continue reading on the next page


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