7 LESSONS Narcissists Teach Us


Lesson 5: Cherish your individuality.

 The fifth lesson we can learn is to cherish our individuality, and that it’s better to let go of other people than lose ourselves trying to keep these people around. Individuality is something that narcissists hate because they are so predictable and are basically a rip-off of someone else. They mimic other people’s behaviors, so they envy our individuality and want to steal it for themselves.

Lesson 6: Never accept double standards from anyone.

 If someone can treat you how they want to be treated, they are not worth having in your life. We need to learn to let go of toxic people, no matter who they are. Life is too short to settle, to be a pushover or a doormat for anyone. We all deserve respect.

 Narcissists would prefer if they get the best, and everyone else just settles for the breadcrumbs that they give. We have to expect more for ourselves.

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