7 Lies a Narcissist Wants You to Believe

3. They lie about bieng liars.

Another lie that narcissists tell is, ‘I would never lie to you.’ They say it over and over and over. I mean, if you’re dealing with someone that is truthful, then you shouldn’t have to hear someone say, ‘I would never lie to you.’ I personally think it’s because narcissists can’t help but lie, and they’re uncomfortable with this idea that one day you might find cracks in their story. And so if a narcissist goes to the trouble of brainwashing you and telling you over and over and over, ‘I would never lie to you,’ when you experience a flaw or a break in their story, you immediately have cognitive dissonance. ‘Oh, my narcissist said they never lie to me. My narcissist said they’re an upstanding citizen. My narcissist said he was a man of character. My narcissist said that she was a truthful person, my narcissist said they were born-again Christian.’

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

All of this downloading and brainwashing before you actually find the cracks in their story is to create psychological confusion. There is no narcissistic abuse without some level of trust If you live with the narcissist, so in order for a narcissist to really do damage, you have to trust them. And so one of the things that a narcissist will say over and over and over is, ‘You know you can trust me, right? You know I’m your best friend, right? You know no one loves you as much as I do, right?’ It’s all in this context of, ‘You should trust me, and you should trust no one else.’ Again, in my humble opinion, I think it’s because they know that they’re not trustworthy. But in order for them to gain narcissistic supply from you, to get you to continue holding up this mirror that says, ‘Yes, you’re superior, and yes, you’re better than everyone,’ and yes, I believe you know this person, and you’re awesome, in order for that to continue, you have to trust them.

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