7 Things That Frighten Narcissists To Their Core

Tactic 3 – Reverse Uno Card.

The third strategy is when you do the reverse Uno card on them and you reverse it. So ultimately, in the relationship with the narcissist, the purpose of the narcissistic relationship is to draw you in and get you close to them so that ultimately they can get rid of you. This is always the end goal, otherwise, you’re not talking about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, you’re talking about something else. So, the end goal, no matter which route we go to get there, whether it’s because of friends or political views, or something you allegedly did or said, you were always going to be discarded. You were not chosen to be with, you were chosen to be with and then to discard. So this is always the end goal.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Now, when I say play the reverse Uno car, what do I mean? If you do that to them, if you genuinely devalue them, and you discard them, it will show in your meta-communication. If you genuinely start looking at them like, ‘Wow, I thought you were really smart, but it’s becoming apparent you’re a bit of a dummy,’ or, ‘I thought you were really compelling or powerful or charismatic and it turns out you’re actually quite a dull fraudulent charlatan who repeats themselves a lot and tells lots of lies.’ Then you’re automatically and spontaneously going through the devaluation phase. They’ll feel that and it will put them into an anxiety. It starts to create narcissistic mortification.

If you then ultimately go from devaluing, which is what they were going to do to you, and you discard them, this renders them insignificant. Anything that renders them insignificant causes them to experience the death. The false self loses energy, it powers down, and they panic because they feel like they’re dying because that’s all they have is their false delusional self.

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