7 Ways to Build Immunity to Narcissistic Abuse

7 Ways to Build Immunity to Narcissistic Abuse


Many people are not aware of this, but narcissistic abuse can take its toll not only on the victim’s mental health but on their physical health as well. The ever-draining abuse can start causing physical harm that isn’t a result of violence, such as stomach pain, digestive problems, headaches, and even sleep deprivation or insomnia. Many victims believe they are becoming constantly ill when it is really their body shutting down from the overload of stress. 

This article will help anyone with recovery and build immunity to narcissistic abuse. These tips and tricks will be crucial for you or a loved one who has or is currently facing hard times with emotional trauma or stress from an abuser. Victims can and have made themselves immune to narcissism in intimate relationships, work settings, and even amongst family members.

Remember, growing immune does not mean beating your abuser, it means fighting them within. So grab a seat, get your blanket, and get comfortable. You will want to stay till the end and read these useful tactics on how to build immunity to narcissistic abuse.

The following are the top 7 ways to Build Immunity to Narcissistic Abuse.

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