7 Ways To Tell If Your Partner Is Truly A Narcissist


 Number 6: You feel exhilarated and exhausted by them.

 You’re confused by the cycle of feeling like you’re so special and loved followed by punishments, insults, stonewalling, intimidation, and rejection.

 Number 7: They do not show guilt, remorse, or regret.

 So even when caught red-handed, the narcissist will still try to deny and deflect. They’ll get hostile and aggressive, but sometimes, especially the covert narcissist, might have an intense emotional response when caught and it can look like guilt but it’s not, it’s shame. And if you listen, you’ll see that they are not focused on your pain or how their wrongdoing hurt you… they are in a meltdown about how you’re going to perceive them as a bad person or what it means about them or how it might affect their life. This is not a fake performance, they are in legitimate distress. But it’s all about them.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

 Another thing that I mention in almost all of my articles is that the relationship brings out the worst in you. You’re going downhill mentally and emotionally, behaving in ways that are uncharacteristic of you. So if you go from being a relatively happy, healthy, stable person to an anxious, angry, depressed, distant, detached, dissociated, stressed out person, and if you feel like you’re losing your mind, this is a sure shot way of telling that you are in a toxic relationship.

 And maybe they are still fun, and affectionate, and you still have good times together, but if the good always comes with a huge dose of poison, it’s not worth it, regardless of whether or not they’re a full-fledged narcissist.

As promised, here’s the top reason to leave a narcissist once you realize you’re being poisoned…

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