8 Manipulation Games Narcissists Play With You


 2. The blame-shifting game

 Conflict is part of any kind of relationship, whether it’s work, or extended family, friendships, or elsewhere. But we’re not all going to think the same, and we’re going sometimes to differ, and sometimes we created annoyance and frustration with each other. Okay fair enough. games narcissist play

In healthy relationships, you sit down and I sit down, and we say let’s talk about that so that we can come to a nice sweet milligram. But not the narcissist, whenever there are conflicts and differences, they’re thinking, okay, who are we gonna blame? And who’s at fault because it sure isn’t me.

They’ll go into all sorts of efforts to make sure that you know that that you’re the cause for all of the problems. They can have emotional outbursts at you, how dare you treat me? This way, they may try to take the moral high ground it’s like, well, I would never do anything like you. They can actually slander you and say all sorts of ugly things, and then they’ll do the scapegoating kind of thing if there’s a problem. Rather than saying, well, why don’t we each take a look at where we all fit in with this, it’s like, no, there’s someone to blame here, it’s you, and I’m gonna put it all on to you. 

So in the blame-shifting kind of category, they look for a scapegoat, they look for someone who can carry the burden of the problem, and it’s inevitably gonna be you. It certainly isn’t going to be them because they have too high and lofty of a view of themselves.

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