9 Types of People That Drive a Narcissist Crazy

9 Types of People That Drive a Narcissist Crazy


There are quite a few things that Narcissists hate, but nothing upsets them more or destabilizes them than someone in their circle who they cannot manipulate. This person would also have other qualities that the Narcissist just cannot tolerate. This person is a bane to their existence, and they have the ability to drive a Narcissist crazy.

Because when a Narcissist cannot have their way or who they want, it means they have lost, and Narcissists hate losing. When a Narcissist loses at anything—be it an actual board game, a job, or a relationship—it is a cruel reminder that they are not in control of everything or everyone. The type of person that can drive a Narcissist crazy will have a combination of everything the Narcissist hates in a personality type and more.

Today we have about nine qualities of the type of person that can drive a Narcissist crazy. If you do not have all, don’t worry! Just having at least two will be enough to get the Narcissist to lose interest fast, provided you can remain resilient.

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