Are Your Thoughts Creating Stress And Anxiety? Here Is What You Can Do!


2. Are They Happier In Their Relationship Without You?

 The second thing is you start asking yourself if you’ve been in a previous relationship, and you’ve left the relationship is that person happy in their new life? Are they happy with that other person? Is that other person getting the rewards of all the work and love and care that you put into the relationship? You start wondering, did I leave too soon? Did I make a bad choice? Would it have been better if I would have just stuck in it?

 All these questions take us off of the moment. It takes us from the moment of being in a place of power, and it makes us question our choices. It makes us question what we’ve done? And usually, that begins to go down a rabbit hole to unravel other things, wondering maybe if I wouldn’t have done this in my past.

It’s causing us to question ourselves, as though we are the only one that makes a decision in any of this, and see that’s not the case, there are other people involved.

As we keep trying to change the way we acted, we’re almost missing the point in the fact that we’re not actually looking at the scenario in play because there are other people involved, their emotions, their actions, and everything else that they came with including their previous programs as well. And it’s funny how we think that if we changed one thing about ourselves that it would change. But this isn’t a true reality, and so we begin to create more and more of those scenarios in our minds, making us feel worse about where we are right now.

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