Coercive Control, What Is It, and How Do Narcissists Use It


 Those are some of the most common ways narcissists utilize coercive control, but there are many other tactics that are considered coercive control, such as: Not allowing you to work or go to school, stalking, restricting your access to, transportation, gaslighting, name-calling, and degrading and humiliating you, turning your own children against you, and alienating the kids from you, which in my opinion, is the most disgusting and evil form of coercive control. They may even threaten your kids, their safety, or your pets.

 These are all examples of coercive control, and again, this is a very severe and cruel form of domestic violence and child abuse and is finally considered a crime in the United Kingdom. And I am so hopeful that soon the United States and all other countries will follow making coercive control a crime, punished by the loss of their freedom; meaning jail.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 The only way narcissists are going to change their behavior is if they consistently face consequences, only they personally don’t enjoy; meaning money, and a lot of it, and their freedom; meaning jail time. You are never going to reach the logical part of the narcissist’s brain or the empathetic part of their heart where they realize their behavior is harming their loved ones. They could care less that what they’re doing is abusive and damaging to their victims.

 The only thing they care about is themselves. Therefore, the solution to get changed behavior from the narcissist must come from serious and consistent consequences that affect them personally, and that is extremely unpleasant for them personally. Nothing else is going to work. What they are doing is criminal, and it needs to finally be treated as such.

Read More: 10 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With An Evil Person.


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