How Children Become Narcissists


 8. A golden child.

 Frequently, these parents are self-conscious narcissists who despise being in the spotlight. Rather, they brag about their exceptionally gifted child. Although the child is often gifted and deserving of face, some parents go to extraordinary lengths to do so. Excessive idealization of a child as perfect and unique might lead to the later development of a narcissistic personality.

 An uneven self-perception might come from too much parental idealization. When this happens the child considers any flaws to be unacceptable and strives to be viewed as faultless. From here the full-fledged narcissism is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Are you starting to brag about your golden child?

 7. The admirer of a parent.

 Some children grow up in a narcissistic home with a narcissistic parent who lavishes praise and attention on them as long as they admire and obey the parent. These kids are taught narcissistic values, but they aren’t pressured to flaunt themselves in order to get attention. Instead, their role in the family is to revere the brilliance of their narcissistic parent without ever seeking to equal or surpass that parent’s achievements.

 This is an excellent method for producing narcissists who aren’t out in the open. The children learn that if they do not openly compete with a narcissistic parent, they will be given narcissistic resources attention and praise and that if they openly desire to be recognized as unique, they will be denied these resources and the value. Were you praised or devalued as a kid?

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