How to Identify a Narcissist from a Conversation


 Number 4: They always want to discuss themselves.

Humans, by nature, are usually very self-aware. They enjoy doing things for themselves and talking about things they like or have done. That is completely normal. What is also normal is acknowledging that they’re not the only person that exists on the planet and it is important to check on others. Well, narcissists do not understand that. Narcissists believe the world revolves around them and you may notice in conversation that the topic is always about them. No matter what the topic is or its importance, they will find a way to make it about them.

 If you are talking to someone, and you notice they don’t show any interest in things you have said or done, they don’t ask you any questions, or match your energy in the conversation, you may be talking to a narcissistic person. Many victims of abuse who leave the toxic environment will find themselves unable to discuss anything about themself because they spent so much time listening.

 If you find yourself in a conversation with someone who shows little interest in what you have to say, brushes you off, or purposely changes to a topic completely different, you need to step back and remove yourself before you fall into the pattern of a victim. As mentioned before, victims of abuse or neglect that end up with NPD usually do this because they spent so long with someone not paying any attention to what they have to say.

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