Never Accept This From A Narcissist | Spot and Eliminate


 So if you’re not able to control your emotions and appear indifferent, it’s best to end the conversation. Because if after all those tactics do not work and they are not able to control or manipulate you into seeing it the way they do, they will play the victim, which is the ultimate appeal to your empathy.

 Controlling your emotions in front of a narcissist is very important because they feed off your emotions. You need to avoid their provocations and implement some of the tactics that I went through in this article.

A Book: Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed– by Wendy Behary.

But to conclude, narcissists have double standards. They have high expectations for you as to how you should treat them but they will not reciprocate those standards. They seem to be oblivious to the saying that says: “You should treat others the way you want to be treated”. Because for the narcissists, they’re saying is: “Treat me the best you can but expect the worst in return”.

And this is why we should never accept or tolerate this type of one-sided hypocritical behavior and don’t accept their excuses or attempts to manipulate you into accepting this type of behavior.

I know I covered a lot in a short amount of time, but please be sure to check out the articles I recommended if you haven’t seen them before. And I hope you found this helpful, thanks for reading, and please don’t forget to share wherever you can.

Read More: 10 Phrases Narcissists Absolutely Hate to Hear


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