Never Accept This From A Narcissist | Spot and Eliminate


 Narcissists get what they want by persuasion. If they can persuade you, that they can be trusted, that they are not lying, that they are not being unfair, then the narcissist knows that they can manipulate you because another tactic they would use to try and justify their hypocritical behavior is to say that it was a misunderstanding. You must have misunderstood their intentions or actions because it is not what it seems.

 So at that moment, they will try and distort reality and impose their own fictitious version of events, to make you start to rethink or question what really happened. Their retelling of events is to try and play down what they did or make the whole thing sound absurd, irrational, or insignificant. If they have been successful with this in the past, they will bring up those past events to show you how you were wrong then and you are definitely wrong now.

 They will make generalizations like: “You always do this. You always say that or stop being so sensitive.” They do this to discredit your emotions or feelings, then there is also their beloved defense mechanism of projection where they accuse you of the same thing that they are guilty of or what you are accusing them of. When someone tries any of these tactics with you, know that you are dealing with a manipulator, and the best thing you can do is remove any emotion from the conversation, or better yet, end the conversation because the narcissist knows the most powerful way to manipulate someone is to toy with their emotions.

A Book: Revenge: How to Beat the Narcissist- By H.G Tudor.

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