The Unavoidable Destiny Of The Narcissist


2. Refusing to seek help.

 So, another way the Narcissist Sabotages their own life is by refusing to get help. Their pride stops them from acknowledging their imperfections. Their delusions keep them from accepting the reality of who they are and the evil that they do. That fake image, their fake ideals, and the love and praise they get from people around them keep them pushing and living a lie.

 As a result, the Narcissist remains a troubled, insecure, tormented soul, who is not able to truly love themselves or anyone else. Also, the older they get, the more miserable they become, because of the shame and misery that they carry around day in and day out. And the simple fact is, that if the Narcissist doesn’t change, nothing else will change. They will keep pushing people away. They will keep hurting themselves and others.

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