Top 5 Realities You Must Face If You Are With A Narcissist


3. Things will only get worse

As narcissists age, their abusive behaviors and these delusional beliefs will get worse. You may think that they lack empathy, self-centered, and cruel now, but as they age, they will begin to lose the things that they have relied on the most to fortify their fragile self-esteem.

 So narcissists tend to rely on things like their looks, wealth, possessions, connections, Fame, and professional achievements, things of that nature, to make them feel worthy and superior. They’ve also used these things throughout their lives to influence, or impress, or manipulate others, or otherwise control other people.

 So as their personal power fades and their social sphere narrows, narcissists need someone to blame and because God knows it’s not their fault. However, that isn’t the only thing that’s gonna get worse, the longer you are exposed to someone like this, the worse things will get for you.

 And over time, you will come to accept more and more of the abuse. Little by little, this will wear down your self-worth. You will begin to accept more and more of the blame. Slowly you will lose your will to defend or protect yourself. Those reactions will be smothered. You may start to take on the beliefs of the narcissists, not only can you expect the horrible behaviors the narcissist exhibits to intensify and become more and more frequent.

A book: Divorcing A Narcissist And Other Jerks

 But literally, your own identity, your genuine ethics and values are in jeopardy. I have seen this happen so many times with long-term exposure to narcissistic abuse. The victim is like morphed into a person you don’t recognize any longer. The effects of the trauma you are being exposed to will deepen and weave itself into the fabric of who you are as a human being.

This is a hard one for some people to accept, but you aren’t ever going to receive a genuine, heartfelt, sincere apology, that just isn’t gonna happen.

 First of all, they aren’t sorry. So even if you do get some lame apology, it’s not true, it’s not sincere. And second of all, they most likely will blame you for everything. They either think you are completely to blame because they are so perfect and they are so incapable of accepting anything negative about themselves, or, and this is another big one, they think you are stupid for buying the [ __ ] they were selling.

 Many times, I’ve seen this. They will blame you because you should have known better, you should have known they were lying, you should have known they were exploiting you. Therefore, guess what, it’s your fault for being gullible and naïve, but either way, they aren’t going to take the blame for anything, you are.

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