Top 5 Realities You Must Face If You Are With A Narcissist


5. People will believe the narcissist

 Others will believe that the narcissist is telling the truth about you, and this is a hard one to accept. And although it defies logic, many people are going to believe the narcissist version of the truth.

 It’s not uncommon to have many of your own friends and family members aside with the narcissist, and that’s just a very unfortunate reality of a toxic relationship like this. They are such good liars and they have been manipulating people’s beliefs about you behind your back for so long, that many times, it’s impossible to repair the damage that they do to your other relationships.

 If this happens many times, you’re gonna have the urge to defend yourself, make others see the light. You’ll feel outraged and incredibly hurt with this, which is completely normal and understandable. However, if you go out and defend yourself, you’re only going to bury yourself deeper and deeper into the lives they’ve been saying about you.

A book: Divorcing A Narcissist And Other Jerks

 They have set up the entire situation to make you look as if you are unstable and crazy. So if you get defensive and angry, you will only be validating the points they’ve made to everyone. It’s just not a good idea to try and make others understand or to get even or to get angry. It’s completely normal and understandable. However, it’s not a good idea to try and convince anyone of anything because 99% of the time it will backfire on you.

 My best advice is to let it go. Focus on your healing and your life. Whoever is stupid enough to buy this crap will eventually be the ones getting screwed over by the narcissist. That’s only a matter of time. So don’t waste any more of your time or your valuable energy on this situation. It’s only gonna steal more of your self-respect, and time out of your life that you’ll never get back.

Read more: 11 Things to Expect When the Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Them Out

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