Top 8 STRANGE Behaviors of the Covert Narcissist


5.  They make you feel guilty.

 Covert narcissists have an uncanny ability to make targets feel guilty when in reality we haven’t done anything we should feel guilty about. They are brilliant at guilt-tripping us because they know what a powerful controlled tactic guilting us is. Pity and guilt are the covert narcissist’s favorite control tactics. So anytime you’re around someone who is continually trying to manipulate or exploit you using guilt, take a closer look at this person.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 6. You feel like you are indebted to them if they have, in theory, do something for you.

There feels like there are strings attached to anything they do for us or give us in the form of a gift. And the reason we feel that way is because they want us to feel that way and because there are strings attached. They will always make a much bigger deal about the things they do for us beyond what they actually are. They will remind us of how they were there for us during whatever, or that gift they gave us and how remarkable and special that gift was. And while whatever they did for us might have been a nice gesture, they will go on and on about it, portraying it as a much bigger deal than it actually was.

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