What Does The Bible Say About Narcissism

What Does The Bible Say About Narcissism


Today, we are going to try and tackle a topic that I know lots of people struggle with. I have struggled with this question time and time again is narcissism. Does the bible address narcissism? And if so, what are some of the things that it says about narcissism?

 Now please note, I am not an expert or a scholar on the bible, not by any means and I am certainly not claiming to be. However, as a lifelong survivor of narcissistic abuse, I do think this is a topic of interest, especially considering how many narcissists use and exploit the bible or bible verses for their own benefit. So many of us have been unduly influenced and manipulated by narcissists who have taken scripture out of context to suit their own agenda.

 So today, we’re going to try and explore the question, does the bible address narcissism? And if so, what does it say about it?

What Does The Bible Say About Narcissism?

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