What Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

Number 3: They will pretend that they have changed for the better.

When you go no contact with a narcissist, they often try to pull you back by pretending they’ve changed. They might start attending therapy or church and make sure you hear about it through mutual acquaintances. They’ll even send fake apologies through your friends and family to convince you they’re different now. It can be tempting, especially if you’re not working on yourself. Going no contact is a healthy choice, and while it’s good that narcissists are making changes, don’t let their actions sway you. Focus on your well-being and continue your journey of healing and self-improvement. Trust your instincts and stay strong.

Number 4: They will play with your sympathy or guilt trip you.

Narcissists often resort to manipulative tactics when you go no contact. One typical move is to play on your sympathy and guilt. They may invent stories of hardship like job loss or illness to trigger your empathy and regain control. By painting themselves as victims, they make you feel responsible for their troubles even when it’s not your fault. To bolster their tales, they might present what appears to be compelling evidence. Understanding your boundaries and standing firm in your decision to go no contact is crucial, as narcissists can be highly skilled at these emotional manipulation tactics.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
Number 5: They will engage in intrusive monitoring or stalking behavior.

When you decide to have no contact with a narcissist, one common issue that can arise is stalking. This behavior, often seen in higher-spectrum narcissists, can be cyberstalking where they obsessively monitor your online presence, or even physical stalking where they might follow you in person. This behavior is driven by their deep insecurities and fear of Abandonment when you cut off contact. To deal with this challenging situation, consider taking legal steps like obtaining a restraining order if necessary. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family who understand your situation and can provide emotional support. Always prioritize your safety by being cautious about your daily routines and possibly relocating to a new city to create distance.

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