In today’s topic, I want to talk about when should you start dating after a Toxic Relationship? About the proper length of time to be able to start dating again after you’ve exited that latest toxic relationship.
When I work with clients to help them move past a toxic relationship and understand why they got in that toxic relationship in the first place, usually a question once we get past that is, when can I begin to start dating? When should I put myself out there? And I found that there’s definitely a timeline to that because we can jump in too soon just as much as we can stand on the sidelines for too long. So, let’s talk about what that looks like in today’s article.
There’s not one hard and fast rule here, no one size fits all. There’s not a specific time in stone where it’s like you have to wait this many days or this many months before you can start dating again. But I think we really need to begin to take it slow because we’ve gone through a traumatic experience, we’ve begun to learn more about ourselves and our choices.
But it’s like all of a sudden these epiphanies begin to arise, we begin to see situations in our own life, we begin to understand the family dynamic, perhaps why we chose that person in the first place. And maybe not just that person, but the people before that had a lot of the same similarities as the latest. So, what do we do?
When should You start Dating after a Toxic Relationship?
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