When The Narcissist KNOWS You Know and You’re ONTO Them


Number 6: Seek and find another source of a narcissistic supply.

 If they don’t have one lined up already, they’ll be on the hunt for a new source, backup if you will, someone to love-bomb, commiserate with, exploit, and manipulate into believing what a villain you are and how wonderful they are, and how they’ve been victimized by you. Remember, narcissistic abuse is about living in an inverted reality, right? Everything is upside down, inside out, backward, and not what it appears to be.

And the point of lining up another source of supply is so that if you don’t drop them like a hot rock first when they discard you, they’re sure they’ve got somewhere to go. Whether that’s someone else to target or someone else to manipulate and exploit, someone to siphon the vital life force energy from, someone else to use and abuse fundamentally.

Number 7: The smear campaign.

 Regardless of who’s ending the relationship, the smear campaign is what you can expect when the narcissist realizes they can’t have their way with you anymore. So expect the gathering of the troops they’ve done to this point to graduate to a whole other level with a full-blown smear campaign. This is where they go on an aggressive campaign with the intent to malign you, again, to anyone who will listen, twisting, distorting, lying, and omitting large segments of the story, in particular anything that would cast them in a negative light, all designed to paint you as the evil perpetrator while they remain pure as the driven snow. How they manage to pull this off with a straight face, all things considered, is beyond me. This is what they do. And If you want to know more about how to deal with a smear campaign, check out this article here.

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