10 Things Narcissists Think You Owe Them


 5. A patient ear.

 They often have a lot to complain about. According to how they see the world, there’s a lot in life that isn’t right or isn’t going according to their plans. They have very specific ideas about how things should fall into place for them. So when things inevitably don’t go their way, they want their partner to patiently listen to their stories. It’s not a two-way street, though. They’re not interested in listening to their partner’s problems or ideas; they just don’t care enough about the other person to invest their valuable time like this.

 Narcissists want to be the one who’s talking and complaining and their partner to be the one who’s listening. This also links to their self-importance. Since they’re so smart, talented, and well-informed, they feel that this not only gives them the right to spend a lot of time talking about all their ideas and thoughts but that they have a duty to. Because of their superior knowledge and intellect, they feel that they should share them with the world and that the planet would be a poorer place without all the clever things that they have to say.

 6. To hold you responsible for whatever they’re doing wrong.

 They don’t take responsibility for their own actions, they prefer instead to find someone else to blame. If you regularly interact with a narcissist or are in a relationship with one, you might be the one they pick whatever went wrong can’t possibly be because of their actions, since they’re perfect.

 So everything’s your fault. And there’s no arguing with the narcissist about it- they won’t understand or change their ways. They can’t see wrongdoing on their part. They can be very entitled and arrogant, incapable of seeing their own mistakes and flaws.

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