10 Things Narcissists Think You Owe Them


7. Your companionship.

 They want to have unlimited access to your company whenever they feel like it. If that means isolating you from other people, they will easily do that. They don’t care if you miss your friends or family members; the narcissist has such a sense of self-importance that they feel that if you have them, you don’t need anybody else.

 Narcissists don’t care about the fact that whenever they’re not around, you’ll spend the rest of your time alone and away from those who care about you- that’s not their concern. They believe that they’re the most important person that you could possibly have in your life and that you should count yourself lucky to have them around.

8. Your kindness and caring.

 They feel that you have to be understanding, regardless of how they treat you. You always have to be kind and able to see their point of view. Your own needs disappear into the background because all your love and attention must be focused on them.

Recommended: Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist- By DR.Ramani Durvasula

 They don’t understand that you have your own feelings and opinions and might not agree with them. Or that you would also like to be treated with kindness in return. They don’t see how hurtful their words and actions might be towards you. The narcissist feels you should be thankful for their attention when they give it, and you should respond by always being kind.

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