10 Weak Points of The Narcissist


4. No one else matters.

 The fourth weakness is their selfish nature. Narcissists are only focused on what they want. They are not capable of caring about others. This selfishness is nurtured by their lack of empathy. Narcissists are likely to view it as a strength, the fact that they are able to do what they do without being affected by how others feel. It does help them to get ahead; but at what cost? They don’t seem to realize that true happiness comes from sharing and caring. Helping others and not using others is where true happiness lies.

Read More: 8 Ways Narcissists Spy On You.

5. Pride before fall.

 The fifth weakness of the Narcissist is their Pride. Pride stops them from taking accountability. It stops them from acknowledging or accepting their faults. Pride stops them from wanting to change anything about themselves. There is no self-analysis. Pride is a hindrance to the Narcissist ever being a decent, loving being we would like them to be. I did this article which goes a bit deeper into the issue of the Narcissist’s pride. But in the end, it is nothing but a weakness and a catalyst to their destruction.

Recommended Book: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

6. Distraction.

 The sixth weakness of the Narcissist is their addictive personalities. Narcissists are known to struggle with addictions. In their search for happiness and escape from themselves, they tend to find some peace in their addictions. Whether it is pornography, gambling, gaming, alcohol, drugs, etc. Just about anything can be made into an addiction. They even turn their hobbies into an obsession. They just need a distraction. So, once they find something that stimulates them or makes them feel good or forget about their own demons, it will become their addiction.

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