3 Reasons Why Narcissists Have So Much Hate

3 Reasons Why Narcissists Have So Much Hate


Here on this website, I speak a lot about the contempt or hate that Narcissists have for the people around them. Because behind their fake smiles, compliments, and kind actions are someone who thinks you are weak and foolish. Of course, this is usually far from the truth, but these are some of the things they tend to tell themselves to boost their own ego.

In this article, I stressed the fact of the situation that no matter who you are, the Narcissist hates you. So, in today’s topic, I will be sharing the 3 main reasons why they have so much hate. Because even though you may have never done them anything wrong or even if you have done them nothing but good, it doesn’t matter to the Narcissist. These types of topics are mainly to help people realize why you cannot trust a Narcissist.

But first of all, I guess we all know by now that Narcissists can end up not liking you for many reasons. And also, it doesn’t matter who the Narcissist is, they can be a parent, friend, sibling, workmate, romantic partner, etc. The Narcissist knows no bounds and will still hate you. And there are 3 core reasons why they can hate you without you doing anything to them, even if they don’t know you personally or without even ever interacting with you.

 I must also add that loving them more will not make them hate you less. And doing everything they ask of you is not going to make them love you either. Accepting these basic truths can save your time and heartache. So let’s get into the 3 main reasons why a Narcissist would hate you for no valid reason at all.

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