6 Signs You Have BEAT The Narcissist

6 Signs You Have BEAT The Narcissist


Do you want to know what the signs are that you have actually beaten the narcissist in your life? They are different than you might think. You have probably tried to outsmart and beat the narcissist in court, to make the narcissist miserable, and to even play the narcissist at their own game. The signs that you have actually beat the narcissist are different. Read this article to learn that not letting a narcissist affect you is actually a sign you have beat them- among others.

Most of us have heard of the term narcissist or even knew how one typically behaves. In this article, we’ll explore how you may potentially beat a narcissist down without using violence. As a disclaimer, the points are just general possibilities, and not all points can apply to every situation.

The narcissist has killed his right image in response to early injuries and has replaced it with a highly developed, compensatory false self. This is according to psychologist Stephen Johnson. This new being that they create is often regarded as above every person and is always self-absorbed.

But in all this, when these egos are tampered with, they become a different entity entirely, showing you another side of them, which in most cases is dangerous. And when this happens, it only means one thing, they have been beaten.

 So here are 6 signs that show you’ve won against the narcissist.

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