7 Most Haunting Things a Narcissist Could Do to You


 Number 3: Coercion.

 Narcissists are persistent and spoiled brats; they want to get what they want. If they want you to do something for them and you refuse to do so, they will deploy coercion on you. Narcissists will force you to do it. If you persistently disobey them, they will threaten you or your loved ones with physical harm. Considering narcissists’ hot-tempered nature, they can hurt or injure you if you do not submit to their demands.

The best way to deal with narcissists’ coercion is to involve the police in the situation. Those ego egomaniacs’ anger can become very uncontrollable, and we have to expect the worst scenarios to protect our safety and our loved ones. Never allow narcissists to coerce you because you are not their servant to obey their commands. Most importantly, they are not persons in Authority for you to surrender and submit to them.

 Number 4: Isolation.

 The moment narcissists develop obsessive feelings towards you, they will isolate you in their delusional world. This form of narcissistic abuse is more common in romantic relationships. Narcissistic Partners tend to be overprotective and possessive of you. They will set numerous restrictions on you, including not going outside to have fun with family, friends, or colleagues.

 Those egomaniacs do not want to see you being happy with other people, especially without their presence. They are jealous of the attention you give to others; they want you all for themselves. Since they are selfish, narcissists want you to focus on them; they will choke you with their toxic kind of love as they will consume all your time, attention, and energy. Can you call this true love when there is no Freedom within the relationship?

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