8 Ways Narcissists Spy On You


 Number 1: Through technology.

 If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you must remember that they always have eyes on you. Do you want to know what they use and install around to spy on you? Narcissists want to see your every move, to the point that they install devices in your home to see you even if they are not at home. The first technology they use is cameras all around your home. Narcissists may tell you this is for security purposes, but they installed it to spy on you.

 The second technology narcissists still use to spy on you requires a lot of skills from them, which is by apps that monitor your phone activities and check if you’ve been using dating sites or flirting with other people. They also may hack into your social media accounts and change passwords without telling you, which enables them to see everything you post or send on these platforms. So they can keep tabs on what’s happening in your life. If you are smart enough to notice you got hacked, counter their spyware and you’ll outsmart them.

Related: These Are 8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism.

 Number 2: Through friends and family.

Are you aware of narcissists’ flying monkeys? If not, let me tell you about them. They are the people that narcissists use to spy, bully, or even intimidate you so you will follow what they say. Narcissists will often use your friend or family member as their flying monkeys, those who are willing to pass on information about your life or someone there romantically involved. They may also use this person to gain more information about what you’re doing and saying.

Through this, narcissists always have the inside tip on your every move. Unfortunately, your friends or family might not be aware that narcissists are using them as their flying monkeys. Hence, if you know that you are in a relationship with narcissists, you also have to educate those around you to prevent the narcissist from controlling your whole family and loved ones. It is better to be cautious early in the relationship rather than regret everything when it’s too late, right?

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