Have you Hurt the Narcissist’s Feelings – When They Overreact


3. To Deflect Blame.

The Narcissist also overreacts to deflect blame. They would be the guilty person, but because they are the ones who are the most expressive in their denial of whatever it is they are being accused of. That would cause the accuser to start looking at other possible persons who may be responsible.

 I have seen this played out many times. Where the Narcissist is the one at fault for something, but instead of owning up to it, they either remain silent or put up such a fuss that it couldn’t be them in order to shun the blame and not be the one accountable. They would be happy for you to think that someone else did it, except them. They would be happy to see someone else fall for their bad actions while they walk away scot-free.

A Must Read: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men – by Lundy Bancroft.

 But to conclude, When the Narcissist overreacts, it is usually when they are ones in the wrong. They are the guilty party who are just trying to distract from what they have done or deflect blame. Or they are also just looking to cause drama at your expense. Their anger is never usually justified, but it makes them feel good when they can make you feel bad.

 Ok, that is it for today. As usual, I hope this was helpful. Please share wherever you can. Have a blessed week everyone.

Read More: When The Narcissist Knows That YOU KNOW | 3 Possible Reactions


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