How to Make a Narcissist PANIC


4. Establishing & maintaining no contact.

 Now, the next way to make a narcissist panic is establishing, and more importantly, maintaining no contact, when a narcissist attempts to hoover you back into the abuse cycle. And if you want to learn more about narcissistic hoovering, you can read this article here.

 But suffice to say, hoovering you back into the abuse cycle is all about love bombing and reigniting the idealization phase, “Oh baby, how much I missed you and I can’t live without you, etc.” But usually quite quickly, followed by another round of the devaluation phase and then ultimately, the discard phase.

 So establishing and maintaining no contact with someone who lands on the spectrum of destructive narcissism and actually following through and meaning business, will absolutely send them into panic mode.

 When they’re reaching out attempting to reconnect and again, hoover you back into that painful destructive abuse cycle, and they’re getting no response, they’re getting nowhere, they can’t get through, no matter how hard they tried, you’ve blocked them across all social media platforms, you’ve told anyone who might be a little minion or a flying monkey or any type of go-between that you’re not interested and that door is closed permanently, and they cannot get through, you’re communicating to them that they are, in fact, the least interesting, least appealing, least attractive, completely unworthy of your time, energy, or attention, that absolutely sends them into panic mode.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

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