Narcissists Will Lose their Minds if You Do These 10 Things

 5. Not explaining yourself to them or arguing with them.

 Narcissistic people are antagonistic by definition. They are sort of the opposite of people pleasers. This means that they thrive on conflict and chaos, and you might be wondering- why? Most people are not built for conflict and are reasonably agreeable. Narcissists are notoriously disagreeable.

 It is well known that the narcissist’s focus is to obtain narcissistic supply by any means. They may enjoy positive narcissistic supply, like admiration, adoration, and compliments, but if they run out of positive supply or just get bored with it, they will actively start testing limits with people in their surroundings by intentionally pushing their buttons and causing them to provide negative narcissistic supply- conflict, arguments, and chaos.

 If you restrict their supply by not arguing with them or explaining why you are not arguing with them, you might see them completely lose their minds because they are not getting the one thing they crave the most- attention. It is important to mention that this doesn’t apply to reasoned, respectful, well-intentioned arguments that are an inherent part of every healthy relationship and that actually help people resolve conflicts in a civilized manner.

 6. Implying that they may need professional help.

 A mere implication that a highly antagonistic, a narcissistic person may need to visit a mental health professional can cause the narcissist’s tremendous rage and endless denials, projections, and gaslighting.

 They may insinuate or openly accuse a person who suggested it that the person may need professional help, they may deny having done anything that would merit a psychologist’s or a psychiatrist’s evaluation and help, or they may simply accuse that person of trying to get rid of them by accusing them of insanity.

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