What Happens When You GHOST a Narcissist


 Number 4: Love bombing.

 When talking about narcissists, you will always hear the word love bombing; rage goes hand in hand with love bombing. No matter what kind of relationship you have with your narcissist; is it a partner, spouse, co-worker, boss, family member, or any of your peers, perhaps? The narcissist will resort to playing that role out of desperation to gain control of you. When at your weakest and most vulnerable, a narcissist will swoop in to save you from your grief, distracting you from the fact that they’re the ones who caused it in the first place.

 A narcissist may also put the same effort into showing affection, and attention, and doing things they never used to do to win you back. The act of love based on a need to gain control over someone is not love but manipulation. Have you ever experienced this kind of approach from a narcissist?

 Number 5: Playing the victim.

 Without the ability to take accountability for their actions, the narcissist might develop the mentality that they are the victim no matter how the situation really is. Every defense from you will feel like an act of offense to them. Thus, the narcissist will for sure respond to you ghosting or going no contact.

Be ready to handle their criticisms and pay no mind to other people’s opinions, especially if the narcissist has already taken the liberty of bath-mouthing you to your friends or family.

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