What Happens When a Narcissist Loses Control Over You


Number 7: They’ll stalk you and your social media accounts.

 You know you’re dealing with a narcissist, covert or overt when they don’t have the emotional maturity required to actually do anything real, sane, loving, kind, or even remotely healthy to contribute to resolving whatever the issue is. But instead, they’ll stalk your social media profiles to see what they can take personally, looking for something, anything that enables them to point the finger at you. “See, it’s not me. “I’m not the issue. “He or she is the one to blame “for all that’s gone on here”.

Number 8: Hoovering and future faking.

 Hoovering and future faking often go hand in hand. To begin with, hoovering is a form of emotional blackmail the narcissist uses when it’s clear that their chosen target is no longer under their spell and is either seeking to distance themselves or has managed to establish no contact. And narcissists hoover in a number of ways: They might try to provoke an emotional reaction from you and there is no end to the ways and the depths with which they’ll sink to achieve that end. Given the opportunity, they’ll wax poetically about how much they’ve changed and how different things will be moving forward. If only you would find it in your heart to give them another chance.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Future faking is often part of the hoovering tactic in which again, given the opportunity, the narcissist will talk to you in elaborate detail about all the wonderful things that the two of you will do together in the future. The cute little restaurant you’ll absolutely love, how the two of you will explore the world together, or even the dream home you’ll live in and how many children you’ll have. And here’s what you need to know about hoovering, narcissists do not change. And here’s what you need to know about future faking, it’s just that, fake. It’s never going to happen, none of it. Spare yourself a lot of pain and don’t buy it.

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